Information for Clients and Their Visitors
Incoming Calls: Incoming calls are now handled by an auto attendant system. When you call us, to continue in English press 1 when you are prompted to do so. If you know your parties new 4-digit extension number you may dial it at anytime. If you would like to use our company directory by last name press the * (STAR) button. This will be helpful when you want to speak to your loved one’s counselor so be sure to ask your loved one their counselor’s last name and what their telephone extension number is. Other visitor menu options after pressing 1 for English are: Press 1 for Location, Address & Fax Number or Press 2 for Information about Clients and Visitation.
Due to federal confidentiality laws, we are not able to confirm or deny who is in our program. Once your loved one arrives, he will be given the opportunity to call you.
Client programs: We have two residential programs. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), provides us with male offenders who are placed in our residential program by their probation or parole officer for alcohol and substance use treatment. Our other program consists of male clientele who are referred to our residential program from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), but who do not come through the TDCJ system, but are placed here for alcohol and substance abuse treatment by other methods, for example, referred to us by the Council on Recovery.
After you determine the program your loved one is in, please review these helpful documents below.
Our visitation guidelines during COVID-19 have changed. Please review the visitation guidelines by clicking here https://cheyennecenter.com/covid-19/. If your loved one is in our HHSC program, you can review the handbook he is given upon arrival by clicking here HHSC CLIENT HANDBOOK. To understand what he can and cannot have while in the HHSC program, click here: CONTRABAND LIST.
If your loved one is in our TDCJ program, you can review the handbook he is given upon arrival by clicking here TDCJ CLIENT HANDBOOK. To understand what he can and cannot have while in the TDCJ program, click here: CONTRABAND LIST.
What clients can have and how to send items through the mail: Clients will need hygiene products. Nothing containing alcohol is permitted. Clients are provided linen for their beds and to bathe. Washers and dryers are available on the property at no cost and all clients are responsible for their own laundry (including bedding). We will no longer allow liquid laundry detergent to be brought in. Clients can only bring unopened (sealed) packs of laundry pods only. Clients may not have over sixty dollars ($60) in their possession at any time (this amount includes coins). Over-The-Counter medication and vitamins are not permitted without prior authorization. The following list is the number of items clients are allowed to have: 7 Shirts, 7 Pants, 7 Underwear, 7 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of shoes, 1 hat, 1 belt, and 1 swimming trunk (when allowed), 1 Coat/Jacket, and 1 Sweatshirt/Hoodie. If client has more than this, he has three days to have family pick up or he can mail out. Anything left after three days will be donated to the Haberdashery. Items can no longer be pre-shipped prior to client’s arrival. Anything ordered to be delivered to Cheyenne Center must be pre-approved (drop off form) signed by his Counselor. No outside food, beverages, chewing gum, vitamins or backpacks are allowed. Cell phones are not allowed. We have coin-operated pay phones on property. **Our mailing address for business mail, client mail, and packages is 10525 Eastex Frwy., Houston, Texas 77093. Please address all client mail with either TDCJ or HHSC after his last name so we can direct his mail to the appropriate program. TDCJ is an involuntary program and HHSC is the voluntary program. Cheyenne Center is not responsible for any cash sent by mail even if it was sent by certified mail or registered mail.**